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The Spektra Company is involved in causes that are dear to its heart. Through its multiple artistic actions, the team wishes to deliver a strong message to its audience in a burlesque, playful and humorous way.  


The female condition: 

With the show Dolores, a total espectaculo, the artist Jean-Christophe Coutaud stages the character of Dolores, zany, clownish and funny woman. A humorous and sincere show that deals with the very current subject of the condition of women in our society today. 



Considered one of the major issues of the 21st century, the climate is a cause that inspires artists. It is not uncommon to find Jean-Christophe Coutaud involved in an action on this subject. Moreover, since 2021 the Spektra Company has become a member of Nîmes en transition to help in the fight against climate change. 


Cultural diversity: 

In its choices of artistic creations and diffusion, there is very often the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity. 


Spektra is not only a theater company but also a structure that carries high and strong values to support and defend. 

In the press...

Lutte contre le réchauffement climatique
Festival Femmes du Monde_TV SUD_février-
Femmes du monde_Bagnols sur Cèze_Midi Li
Lutte contre le réchauffement climatique
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Compagnie Spektra
53 C rue de la Biche
30 000 Nîmes

dissemination and artistic
Jean-Christophe Coutaud : 06 33 73 02 52

Nos soutiens

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