Spektra company
production, difussion

Flamenco Burlesque
All-terrain show for the street (in fixed or wandering) and the room, atypical, interactive, totally crazy which does not leave the spectator unscathed. A real conference, a "One-Mujer-Show" unique in its kind, feminist, and interpreted by a man!
A burlesque show around flamenco and Spain that attracts the public very quickly enrolled by Dolores on stage ...
Between theater, clown and jester, this zany conference on flamenco is not a humor show like the others.
Modular duration from 40 minutes to 1h15. Dolores intervenes in the street, in a fixed position or on the road (songs, public interactions, intervention with fire at night)
¡Dolorès! A total show
Description of the complete show in the street or in theaters:
Dolores, the most famous flamenco dancer in the world, performs once again near you!
She has just returned from her latest international tour and is happy to share her own vision of flamenco with you. Flamenco "made in Dolores"! And she talks about her life as an artist, her career ...
¡Atencion ! Dolores is an extremely complex being ! She looks for the unique and total love ! ¡Cuidado ! It may be you!
The show can be performed in French, Spanish, English and German. Dolores is an international and multilingual star!
Interpretation and direction: Jean-Christophe Coutaud; Direction: Christophe Devietti, Jean-Christophe Coutaud
Dolorès likes to travel: Community of communes of the Piemont Cévenol; Les vendredis de l'agglo, Nîmes; Maison de l'eau, Gagnières; Festival " cultures du monde ", Mèze; Festival " Femmes du monde ", Bagnols sur Cèze; Fiesta major " la Floresta ", Barcelona (Spanish premiere); "Fira Tarrega 2018; Festival des " Arts champêtres ", Russin, Switzerland; Le petit théâtre de la placette, Nîmes; Festival " Arc en ciel ", Carré Rondelet, Montpellier; Festival d'Aurillac 2015 & 2018 ; Festival " Las gracias ", La Coletilla, Nîmes ; Festival " Cité nez clown ", Avignon ; Cercle de l'avenir, Nîmes ; Festival d'Avignon 2015 & 2017 ; " Quartiers en fête ", center culturel Jean Paulhan, Nîmes ; Lez'Arts théâtre, Lezan ; Festival du pois chiche, Montaran, Guinguette du Mas, Mas de Londres ; Festival " 48ème de rue ", Mende ; Gare aux clowns, Montpellier ; Espace culturel B. Fabre, Lavelanet; Municipal hall, Montbrun-Bocage; Festival of Saint Laurent d'Aigouze, tour in Mexico (summer 2022), ...